Plus: The best books of 2022 and a look into tote bag culture.

It’s difficult to say if Poilievre’s popularity will survive the rough and tumble of daily politics until the next election is called. (He declined repeated requests to be interviewed for this article.) But, whether or not he becomes prime minister, he is clearly tapping into a populist fervour that has been a major force around the world. Urban progressives are inclined to assume the governing consensus in Ottawa, which prioritizes their ideas of diversity and inclusion, will continue indefinitely. Poilievre’s rise challenges that. There are now two Canadas eyeing each other with reciprocal contempt.

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Oxfam’s annual report on the state of global wealth disparity is turning its eyes to the why and how of who is winning and who is losing in today’s economy. Why is it that the wealthy continue to amass disproportionate amounts of wealth while many others plunge toward, or deeper into, poverty? When a majority of the people see no way out, who profits off ensuring their continued pain?

On January 17, 2023, join us online at The Walrus Talks at Home: Inequality to learn about the many variables answering these questions and to understand what an equal economic future looks like for the planet and all its people.

Featuring five-minute talks and Q&A with:
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  • Lynne Groulx, Chief Executive Officer, Native Women’s Association of Canada
  • Alexandra Haas, Executive Director, Oxfam Mexico
  • Sohaib Shahid, Director, Conference Board of Canada
  • Joel Solomon, Author and Co-founding Partner, Renewal Funds
  • And More!
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With thanks,

Jennifer Hollett

Executive Director, The Walrus

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