Plus, Starbucks employees looking to unionize face an uphill battle...

In the immediate term, the onus is on the prime minister to provide Canadians with adequate information so that we can judge for ourselves the integrity of the 2021 election. In his lackadaisical response to Chinese malfeasance, Trudeau is playing a dangerous game. Canada appears to be signalling to China that interference in future elections will be met with no serious consequences. To date, no charges have been laid, no diplomats expelled.

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At The Walrus Leadership Forum: Trust in Democracy, speakers will discuss key findings from the 2023 CanTrust Index, an annual nationwide study conducted by Proof Strategies. This year’s version of the CanTrust Index will pose questions about which leaders and levels of government people across Canada find trustworthy as well as which sectors, corporations, services, and institutions have strong (or weak) trust levels.

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  • Bruce MacLellan, President and CEO, Proof Strategies
  • The Hon. Catherine McKenna, Principal, Climate and Nature Solutions, and Chair, UN Secretary General Expert Group on Net Zero
  • The Hon. James Moore, Senior Business Advisor, Dentons
  • Genevieve Tomney, Vice President, Public Affairs, Proof Strategies
  • Zain Velji, Partner and VP Strategy, Northweather
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    We have turned some of our favourite covers into tote bags, but which one shall we print for our 20th anniversary? Pick one from three of our totes created by Kate Beaton, Roxanna Bikadoroff, and Franco Égalité. Have your say and vote before March 13, 2023 for your chance to win a free tote bag.
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    In August 1972, Ugandan president Idi Amin announced that all residents of Asian descent had to leave the country within ninety days. The expulsion impacted over 50,000 people—many of whom had ties to East Africa for several generations.

    Canada played a crucial role in helping resettle over 7,000 Ugandan asylum seekers. In this episode, we’ll hear from two people who were resettled in Canada following the expulsion order: historian and anthropologist Zulfikar Hirji and writer/editor Tasneem Jamal.

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    This Year, The Walrus Turns 20

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    As we look at Who We Are Now in 2023, help us power the next 20 years of inspiring conversations and fact-checked journalism. Donate to The Walrus today.

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    With thanks,
    Jennifer Hollett
    Executive Director, The Walrus

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